Comic-Con was insane, as usual. The drive from Los Angeles to San Diego took almost 7 hours (yes, seven) instead of 3, and as a result, at one point, I whizzed in a bottle (yes, a bottle). For the record, it was an empty Vitamin Water lemonade bottle, which was nice because it gave me, you know, a sense of symmetry. The rest of the convention proceeded with no unorthodox waste removal procedures. I’m catatonic right now, so you’ll have to wait until my next post for non-whizz-related highlights from the convention.
For now, to commemorate the recently ended Comic-Con, a ‘Con:
click above for larger view
This is Shockwave, drawn with a modified transformation that I came up with. The original toy had a gun barrel which was essential for the gun mode, but served no purpose and had no venue of storage in robot mode–my revised transformation imagines that the gun barrel could split apart and slide back on Shockwave’s arms. That’s all. Sleepy-time now.
There was a rumor floating around that it took you 10 hours to get to Comic-Con. Oh, and I just spit my Vitamin Water all over my computer!!!
no, i think 10 hours would literally have killed me. as for YOUR vitamin water… at least all you did was spit it.
just saying.