Bye Bye Bongo

After 27(!) years I am no longer with Bongo Comics—this news is actually several months old, but I held off posting about it until the last of my work with them was printed. So that’s a wrap for me on bulgy eyeballs and overbites! 

I started at Bongo many (many) moons ago as an intern in college, became a production assistant, then a staff artist, and finally an art director. In my tenure at this job, between comics, collections, foreign editions, exclusives, calendars, and miscellaneous books, I drew something in the neighborhood of *500* covers. 

My career with Bongo covered well over half my life, and literally has been my entire adult life. I’m well aware that this kind of run with one company is not a common story these days, and I’m very grateful that I got this experience.

I came up with the rough idea for this drawing a few years back when I realized I had been on the job for (at the time) half my life. Just wanted a bizarre way to illustrate my career versus my influences/favorites. It had been on the backburner for a bit, but this seemed like a good time to finally finish it and mark the end of an era!

Excited for the next chapter…