Why not?

Why not?
If you’ll recall, I posted a couple of unicorns + gore a few months ago. Well, I’ve been steadily drawing more since then, so here are 8 more to ring in the New Year. Click for larger views of each piece:
These were drawn in marker at various sizes, just based on whatever random cardboard scraps were lying around (the smallest is 3×3″ and the largest is 12×12″). The unicorn in the second row, on the left, is an exception–it was drawn on normal paper and colored digitally.
I hate to let a good piece of cardboard go to waste. That aside, I don’t really know what’s motivated me to draw these… but I have more cardboard, and I can feel more unicorns looming. Appropriate for the impending Year of the Horse, perhaps?
Why not?
(drawn with markers on random cardboard scraps)