Vengeance is Mime!

Um, yeah, so the title of my post really doesn’t make any sense, but it is a terrible pun involving the subject of today’s sketch, so I stand by it. A mime was this week’s challenge for Rick’s character design blog:

click above for larger view

I’ve been having fun playing around with this new, somewhat more painterly style. But, wow… it’s been like a week and a half since I put up a nerdy fan art. I promise I’ll post something very dorky on Tuesday!

6 thoughts on “Vengeance is Mime!

  1. if u wanted something nerdy and fan-art-ish, u coulda gone the obviously route and done a pic of Harley Quinn (must I really point out she’s from Batman?).

    No shadows, tho a somewhat dynamic pose. I’m taking to grading these, starting today: B-… that is not acceptable!

    Get ta crackin’! SCHNELL!!! MORE LINES!!!

    ~ charles on the wii

  2. no no no… the challenge i drew this for is a character design thing, so drawing pre-existing characters would be against the spirit of it! as for the “B-” … fair enough.


  3. ok u coulda drawn this mime over the dead body of harley and titled it ‘Dead Mimes Tell No Tales’

  4. I like how painterly this piece is compared to the work I normaly see of yours on He-Man.Org. Keep it up!

  5. why are her pants falling off? is she doing some really vigorous mime? i am confused. hitch those knickers up!

  6. lordshen: oh, you crazy punster.
    osgood! thank you very much man–i’m glad you dropped by!
    ren: the pants aren’t falling–they’re securely held up by her broad and womanly hips! i can draw you a special pantsless version if you want… ?

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