For this week’s challenge over there at Rick’s character design blog, a headhunter:
I’m happy with how this turned out… am I too self-congratulatory on this blog? Should there be more “artistic” self-loathing? Rest assured, dear readers, I am merely putting on a brave front for you. This bravado, this devil-may-care attitude, this John Wayne-like swagger–an act, all of it. Inside, I am suffering like the most neurotic of nebbishes… But nevertheless, I’m pretty happy with how this turned out. There are some problems with perspective (which is sadly standard for me) but I set out to do something with a bit more action and to mix it up with the colors, and I think I accomplished those goals. Admittedly, the all-cool color scheme is something that was inspired by Jacob’s mime from last week’s challenge.
Isn’t admitting self-loathing a tad bit self-congratulatory? hmm?
This is a geart piece. I recommened adding another bar behind him that has a jungle in it. Also making your logo line smaller and thinner. Does that make sence? Otherwise… thats some good head… hunter…
geart = great…
what? it’s late!
yes, your crits make good sense sir–thank you. and as the king of typos, i pardon you for your crimes!
your congratulatorily self-loathing pal,
There should most definately be more self-loathing on your part, though not for any artistic purposes. ;)
As for this sketch, other than a VERY small matter of foreshortening — which you already pointed out — it is DEAD ON amazing. The mohawk bespeaks Shadowrun and the rest of the frame and face (as we’ve oft discussed before, though not by any means in way way to be demeaning or negatory) looks a lot like you. Thin, wiry, nervous and ready to run. one again ;)
I agree with josh about the bg, of course, though when I first saw this i saw it more from a design perspective than an illustration. The colors bespeak a night-time, watery, marshy, jungle-ish environment already. What I would suggest is: instead of paint the entire background in the sage, do it only to, say, chest height of the headhunter; make the lighter gray band with your logo and name way thinner and smaller (right now, since I said it already somewhat resembles you — which is not a bad thing — it seems to relate the idea that this character is MEANT TO BE YOU… let’s admit to it, j: this little pic DOES look a little like a business card… in fact I think it should be); so above the chest-line I would suggest a repeat of the gray band below with ur name and site and then from chest below the green.
Colors wonderful. BG is close to spot-on (see? it doesn’t take much to suggest mood and environment which lends itself to character… may I also suggest looking into the artist Rothko?) Drawing executed finely, detail good… but seriously… SERIOUSLY… does he REALLY need that big a loin cloth?
Hmmm… mayhaps I’m still projecting you onto this character… ;)
damn i got typos, too.
what?! it’s early!
lordshen: thanks for the crits once again… your business card suggestion is a stroke of genius… i think i just might make it into a business card or post card to advertise the blog. as for the headhunter being me, we all know that level of physical activity (IE running while carrying two objects of low to moderate weight) would kill me! so no, it’s not supposed to be me. as for the loincloth all i can say is…
i love this one. i will post my own headhunter this week in response, albeit a much less skilled and much poorer decorated headhunter.
and don’t diss your own carrying skills. you’ve carried those medallions of shame pancakes for years now.
annie: really though, those phantom pancakes are medallions of shame that i carry in my heart and soul, thereby freeing up my feeble physical frame. coach says: CAN’T WAIT TO SEE YOUR HEADHUNTER ANNIE! GET ON IT!