Gort, have you been working out?

I’ve been trying to stockpile blog entries so that I can clear a chunk of time to work on some other things. This time I went to Charles for a quick sketch subject, and he suggested Gort from The Day the Earth Stood Still:

This is a slightly modernized and somewhat buffed up version of Gort. Why? I have no clue. For the record, I have yet to watch The Day the Earth Stood Still, but it’s on my list!

Did You Know…? The alternate title to this post was: “Hey Gort, how many sandwiches do you want? Five? Okay.”

4 thoughts on “Gort, have you been working out?

  1. You also could have called it The Day that Gort Stood Ill… ’cause he’s all like: “Oh, no you di’int! Talk to the hand!”

    Anyways, I really like this one. Everything from the color scheme, background, shading and proportions are pretty solid. The overall look, too, bespeaks of a certain confidence with the subject and the medium.


    Or should I say “Kudos verata niktu?”

    Need more suggestions? How about a b-boy version of The Creature? Or a Ghost Lizard?

  2. Very nice, I was a big fan of this film as a kid and named my German Shepard “Gort”, but he wouldn’t stop barking just by mentioning klaatu barada nikto.
    Cool picture man.

  3. lordshen: since you suggested it, i’m glad you liked it man! some more of your suggested subbjects will be coming to light soon. :)

    will: fair enough. to be honest, i just gave him the added buffness so that i’d have something to actually render (much easier than rendering a totally smoothed torso) lol…

    JET: hahahaha, awesome man, thanks for the kind words, and the anecdote. :)

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