Number One Super Guy!

Dear Cartoon Network/DC Comics,

Please let me write and draw an action/comedy Hong Kong Phooey comic book, in the style of 2-D fighting games like Streetfighter and Darkstalkers. I promise to be your BFF. And if we have Capcom make a 2-D fighting game as a tie-in, we will probably make a kajillion dollars.

Sincerest Regards,

Fun Fact: Hong Kong Phooey was voiced by the late, great, Scatman Crothers, who you might also recognize as the voice of Jazz from the original Transformers cartoon. RIP, Scatman.

3 thoughts on “Number One Super Guy!

  1. That is awesome!… and I love Scatman Crothers, he seemed like a cool cat… er um, dog?

  2. i honestly believe you should email this to the respective concerned parties. and i would play this!

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