Here Comes An Old Challenger!!!

I am not a winner.

No, seriously, I entered the Masters of the Universe Classics Create-A-Character Contest, and I didn’t win. But now have some art to post for my blog, sucka! WHO’S THE WINNER NOW??? (Hint: still not me.)

Ahem. My design was actually just an update of a fan character that I created a few years ago. You can see the original version here. And now, the fairly new (from December 2011) updated version:

click above for larger view

Maybe I would have more to say, but let’s face it, Comic-Con just ended, so I’m just grateful to not be peeing in a bottle or trying to use silverware as a straw.

(This counts as post #1 for this week, so I’m keeping steady at a deficit of 4 missed posts. Perhaps I’ll be able to catch up before August… )

2 thoughts on “Here Comes An Old Challenger!!!

  1. Oh I always loved Malbino!!!!

    Wish you’d come back to the fan art section mate, its been a bit dull without you and the old lot around.

    You’ll get a drawing of him before the Ninja us’s. I seem to be avoiding it, as it won’t be as awesome as both of yours!

    1. Aww, thanks man! And I would be super-stoked for some Malbino art from you.


      (continuing this in an email that I’m sending momentarily)

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