About this blog, Tumblr, Star Trek, and everything. (NOT THAT ANYONE ASKED)

Okay so… obviously I can’t just start blogging again like nothing ever happened. I’ve been absent for a kajillion years! And I’m sure you, theoretical dear reader, noticed and were concerned. Nobody wants my life story, so I’ll break this down in brief bullet points:

  •  To summarize, I have been drawing and working on stuff, just been too busy and lazy to post it here!
  •  Feb 2014: My pal Dafna and I co-edited a Star Trek zine, which we released at last year’s LA Zine fest. It’s called TO BOLDLY ZINE. We sold out but you can download a free digital version HERE.
  • Dafna and I were somehow able to beg/plead/blackmail a lot of our talented Trek-nerd friends into contributing, so you really should check it out. Here’s what the zines looked like, cover designed and handcut by me:



  • Click on the pic below if you want a peek at the making of the zine:



  • One of the features in the zine was a series of tweets written by Mike McMahan AKA @TNG_S8 and illustrated by me. Here are some of them:



  • Mike dug my work and asked me to illustrate the officially-licensed-by-Star-Trek-for-reals book version of his tweets, which is the main non-day-job thing that I worked on in this year. More on that soon!



  • “But Jason, you posted stuff in 2014 AFTER the zine, why no mention of it?!” I’m glad you asked that, imaginary blog reader! Basically, we had completely sold out of the zine, so there was nothing to promote! But if you were following me on Twitter or Instagram, you got the full shameless plug barrage leading up to the zine fest.
  • Feb 2015: Dafna and I co-edited a second volume of TO BOLDLY ZINE, which we released at this year’s LA Zine Fest. We still have some copies left, if you’re interested, check back here (or my various social media, see the links to the right) for details! In the meanwhile, here are some looks at the AWESOME cover, designed by Dafna (btw those are Dafna’s hands, my nail polish is much more flamboyant):


  • Mike and I collaborated for the zine again, this time on a children’s story about Data:


  • And, I started a Tumblr (yes finally)! This was my first post:


  • To clear up any confusion about the various ways I post art, this blog and my deviantArt will always be where I post finished artwork (fan art, side-jobs, and personal projects). Instagram is where I post sketches and behind-the-scenes looks at process (including stuff from ye olde dayjobbe). And tumblr will be a combination of finished works, instagram crossposts, and some best-of moldy oldies (since I’m new to tumblr and nobody knows wtf I am and wtf I’m doing there).

OKAY I’m gonna try not to be a big baby and start posting regularly again. SEE Y’ALL THEORETICAL READERS BACK HERE REAL SOON Y’ALL.
