In the latest WTF@TFW (episode 509), @SethBuzzard and @Vangelus discuss a hypothetical all-minibot combiner, and the conversation struck me at the perfect intersection of insomnia and inspiration. I call him MINIBOSS!

– Bumblebee is the leader and transforms into a gun
– Beachcomber transforms into a shield
– Powerglide is part of the torso/back and provides the wingpack
– Warpath is a belly/navel cannon NOT a crotch cannon! lol
– This is “most” of the G1 minibots, but I left out Wheelie (he just felt like the wrong character grouping since he’s a movie character), Bumper (he wasn’t canonized in fiction until long after G1 was over), red Bumblebee/yellow Cliffjumper, and the South American variants of the minibots.