Did everyone check out Godbeast’s amazing new Glyos NEMESIS figure?! Only a handful of ’em left in the store, but you can also pick up some fantastic KABUTO MUSHI figures! DO EEET!

The Nemesis are packed with header cards and a trading card all drawn/colored by me! It was an honor drawing this monstrous design for the debut release!


Adventure Time X Regular Show!

Adventure Time X Regular Show #2 is out today, and one of the variant covers is by me!

They asked me for an homage to Carmine Infantino and Murphy Anderson’s famous Superman vs. Flash cover… as luck would have it, I’ve got a little experience homaging that particular cover.

Here’s a look at my rough pencils as well:



Another fantastic Glyos release coming up on Sunday (8/27, 9pm EST), this time from Man or Monster? Studios: it’s the WARLORDS OF WOR! And these guys are based off of the Spy Monkey Creations Battle Tribes figures, so you can multiply your hordes of monsters and barbarians!

Store link is here:

And check the official Instagram account for pics: warlordsofwor

I was asked by Man or Monster? to draw this comic book cover homage, and I had a blast (respect and propers to Gil Kane & Dave Cockrum)! Plus the Warlords of Wor characters are already classics in the world of hand-cast indie resin toys, so it’s a real honor to help promote their debut in the world of PVC production!


My buddies at Spy Monkey Creations are dropping a new wave of Battle Tribes, including a bunch of new molds/characters!


To accompany the drop, I drew another faux comic book cover showcasing the new characters (with respect and props to the style of 70’s sword & sorcery comics of course):


Be sure to follow Battle Tribes on Twitter and Instagram… and hit up their store tomorrow (June 2, 2017) at 6pm PST:

Battle Tribes! At Designer Con 2016 and Beyond!

The Battle Tribes goodness keeps coming from my pals at Spy Monkey Creations! One of their exclusives debuting at Designer Con 2016 (November 19 & 20) is the Eternal Adventurer, an homage to a certain iconic 80’s barbarian!

The Spy Monkey crew had me design the logo on the Eternal Adventurer’s shield and remix the Battle Tribes logo with even more 80’s flavor–this is going to be used as a header card for the Designer Con debut figures:

But that’s not all! I designed a few more shield logos, which you can see on these reptilian badboys (these figures available for purchase NOW):

By the way, if you’ve been keeping up with the Battle Tribes releases, you can now recreate my Battle Tribes illustration which is exactly what the folks at Spy Monkey did! I love it!

Be sure to check out Battle Tribes on Twitter and Instagram for more info!

GL of Earth-616

I was thinking about Simon Baz and the idea of Green Lanterns + guns, then I was thinking of the traditional Green Lantern Corps uniform with white gloves and what other characters wear white gloves and then this happened:

– RE: the ring-construct weapons… I dug up photo reference of various weapons at angles that would work for what I had in mind, arranged them fanning out in a somewhat wing-shaped collage (I bit that idea from one of The Expendables movie posters), then I did a simplified sketchy trace-over.
– The costume is basically an inverted Hal Jordan/GLC uniform mashed-up with Frank Castle’s traditional Punisher costume.
– I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that after drawing Green Lantern characters for two weeks I randomly felt compelled to draw a super nerdy crossover. This isn’t the first time I’ve drawn an unlikely Green Lantern mash-up! (Previous incidents: HERE, HERE, and HERE)

Okay, back to regular GL characters, there are still a lot that I want to draw!

GL & Friends

Just sketching up some of the Green Lantern cast…

– I draw really long necks.
– Pay no attention to the completely wrong perspective on Alan Scott’s lantern.
– John Stewart has been around for so long that you could give him his classic hairstyle back and it would be hip again (so I did exactly that).
– I was trying to draw a more classic Abin Sur, but he doesn’t look enough like an alien.