Robotech Tuesdays: Lynn Minmei

People don’t cut Lynn Minmei a lot of slack–I’ll admit she’s kind of an annoying character, but I think that’s because she’s (accurately) written as a person lacking life experience.

And now for your listening enjoyment (or displeasure), here are Minmei’s biggest hits:

Them’s Lasers, Kids!

Today I’ve got another He-Man variant, re-imagined. This one is based on a prototype for Laser Power He-Man. The prototype had a costume that was significantly different from the production version, so I thought it was worthy of yet another new character. Her name is based on the Spanish version of Laser Power He-Man, and I envision her as the cousin of Lazeros, the variant I drew based on the standard version of Laser Power He-Man. Here’s Luminosa:

click above for larger view

Her sidekick, X-1060, is named after the product code for Laser Power He-Man, and his form is based loosely on the backpack of one of the prototype versions of that same figure. To answer your question–yes, it did just get nerdier in here.

And it’s about to get even nerdier… BACKGROUND INFO!!!

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PROFILE: While a bit naieve and idealistic, and slightly reckless at times, LADY LUMINOSA is nevertheless a bright and determined young woman, with a keen sense of justice. She is somewhat sheltered and knows it–which makes her eager to seek out the world. Luminosa is close to her cousin, Prince Lazeros, who is both big-brother-figure and mentor to her. She has adventured in Etheria a few times, befriending young freedom fighters like Sorciela and Korujito, and finding strong female role-models in the older generation of freedom fighters.

In battle, Luminosa is armed with equipment similar to Lazeros–a synthetic Korodite-powered battle harness, and an energy sword. Her energy sword is actually a conduit that channels her innate powers into a blade of energy far more powerful than Lazeros’s. Between this device, and her incredible fencing abilities, Luminosa is very dangerous in melee combat. Though Lazeros is still her fencing instructor, he believes her swordfighting skills alone will one day overshadow his own, and once she learns to channel the full potential of her energy powers, she will be a truly unstoppable force. Luminosa’s battle harness is much more compact than Lazeros’s, but as a result does not provide as much enhanced strength, and provides no field of protection. This lack is compensated by X-1060, a lab droid modified by Lazeros to generate a portable forcefield and act as a protector for Luminosa. X-1060 is intellectual and fretful, constantly lamenting Luminosa’s willful nature and thrill-seeking.

HISTORY: Lady Luminosa was born to a noblewoman, and a low-born, but reknowned wizard. Around her thirteenth year, she began exhibiting the ability to manipulate light energy. Four years later, her ability was growing exponentially more powerful, but she could not control it. Her father failed to treat the problem with magic, and so they turned to science, and to Luminosa’s older cousin, Prince Lazeros. Lazeros became Luminosa’s temporary guardian, and began overseeing her education while studying her abilities. Using a modified version of his own battle harness, Luminosa’s powers have been contained so that she can gradually learn how to control them. However, when it became apparent that Luminosa also had an innate knack for science, Lazeros gladly recruited her as his research assistant. To Lazeros’s chagrin, Luminosa (athletic and adventurous, much like her cousin), was more interested in gallantry than science, and stowed away on several of his adventures. After Luminosa had proved herself useful on more than one occasion, Lazeros reluctantly decided that his strong-willed young cousin was enough of an adult to accompany him on his many quests.

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Also posted on the fan-art forums in my variants thread. The thread is here and my post is here.

Robotech Tuesdays: Claudia Grant

In 2010 (wow, that sounds weirdly futuristic), I resolve to occasionally spare you, dear reader, from punny titles. See, today’s title is straight-forward and pun free!

My apologies to purists–while I do respect and enjoy Macross as the rightfully independent entity that it is (in fact Macross Plus is one of my favorite anime of all time), I still love Robotech, and it was a formative influence.

Here’s Claudia Grant, 2nd Officer of the SDF-1:

Robotech Tuesdays will occur at intervals of my choosing until I’m done drawing Robotech characters, tire of the exercise, or get distracted by a shiny object! So it is said, so it shall be done!

Three Years and Counting…

I apologize because I’m about to become to become a person who quotes his own twitter, but as I “tweeted” a few days ago:

I’ve had enough out of you 2009. When is your smarter, taller, better looking sibling 2010 getting here?

Well the new year is here at last. This had better be good! By the way, yes, I’m now “tweeting” semi-regularly. Super inane updates can be found at @jasonhohoho.

As has become a tradition around here, I celebrate the New Year and my Bloggiversary (in this case, my third Bloggiversary) by posting a sketch of Skeletor, He-Man, or some variation thereof. Here’s Laser Power He-Man, re-imagined as a new character:

click above for larger view

His name is pronounced like Lazarus, but with an “-os” instead of an “-us.” What’s that, you’re dying for some super-nerdy background info on this character? HERE YOU GO:

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PROFILE: An adventurer, inventor, and aristocrat, PRINCE LAZEROS is something of a hybrid between a Renaissance man and swashbuckler. He puts forth a devil-may-care attitude, though in reality he is a deeply motivated individual. Using his family fortune, Lazeros has developed an array of high-tech weaponry and armor. His battle harness (powered by synthetic green Korodite) mimics the principles of He-Man’s own battle harness, providing a personal protection field, and enhanced physical strength; his bionic arm-brace allows him full use of his crippled arm; and his energy sword is a formidable weapon, capable of cutting through metal and stone. In He-Man’s absence, Lazeros has become a friend and colleague to Man-At-Arms (the two have a friendly rivalry with respect to inventing), and a trusted ally of Team Grayskull. Lazeros has become somewhat smitten with Teela–this has brought him into occasional conflict with Savage (Team Grayskull’s other frequent ally) who is already his polar opposite in so many ways.

HISTORY: Once nothing more than a frivolous young aristocrat, Prince Lazeros’s life changed when he was caught in a terrorist attack while visiting the Eternian capital. The attack was perpetrated by none other than Skeletor and his henchmen. Inhaling a dangerous dose of nerve gas, Lazeros was lucky to escape with his life, though his right arm was left forever crippled. Had it not been for the intervention of He-Man, Lazeros and many others would have died. Inspired by He-Man’s heroism, Lazeros dedicated himself to bettering the world, and was able to use his financial resources to become an inventor and adventurer. In the years following He-Man’s disappearance, Lazeros is one of several young heroes who has stepped forward to fill the void. Dubbed the “Prince of Power” by the Eternian media, his exploits have won him much favor with the public.

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Also posted on the fan-art forums in my variants thread. The thread is here and my post is here.

2009 in Review

This is the last post for the year 2009, and I would be remiss if I did not mention the most significant events of not only this year, but of the collective history of our planet.

Of course I’m referring to the unveiling of the SDF-1, and the subsequent extraterrestial attacks that Earth has experienced at the hands of the invaders known as the Zentradi. Only time will tell how our planet’s first encounter with aliens will affect our future, but until then, I’ve still got a blog to maintain. This is a drawing of Commander Lisa Hayes, first officer of the SDF-1:

Here’s to a 2010 with less alien attacks and continued ultra-nerdy blogging by yours truly… SEE YA NEXT YEAR, KIDS!

Kensei Nikorasu!

Clad in a festive holiday cardigan, and armed with an indestructable black blade, Sword Saint Nicholas ventures into primal forests to carve wondrous toys out of granite and petrified wood for the virtuous children of the world. For wicked children, Sword Saint Nicholas has a different gift–a swift death at the end of his black blade!

What is this hero’s connection to the Shinobi Santa, Kage Kringle???

click above for larger view

Happy Holidays, Folks!


The right half (her right, not ours) of this image was drawn first, and then copied and flipped to create a whole image. I cheated insofar as I checked my progress as I went.

I think real life would be better if it involved less last-minute X-Mas shopping + fighting off a sore throat, and more barbarian elf princesses + gratuitous cleavage. Just saying.

Like Two Peas in a Pod

Memorandum to the Powers That Be:

Please hire me to write and draw a comic that features the Jolly Green Giant and his little pal Sprout, as they fight evil and malnutrition with the power of fiber, vitamin D, and overwhelming physical size and strength. As per all of my hypothetical projects, a 2-D fighting game by Capcom will be the perfect tie-in. We will make lots of money, and consumption of vegetables will skyrocket. Also, I will be your best friend.


My last name is Ho, which means that growing up I heard every possible Thundercats, Santa Claus, and Jolly Green Giant joke that you can possibly think of. I think it’s a testament to my character that my enjoyment of cartoons, Christmas, and canned/frozen vegetables was never diminished in the least, no matter what kind of jokes were flung in my general direction.

click above for larger view

Part elf, part super-hero, part Green Man, and part kaiju… the Jolly Green Giant is kind of awesome for a vegetable mascot. But don’t forget his pal Sprout:

click above for larger view

And lastly, just because I like seeing things to scale:

I’ll be back on Friday with another food mascot–you’ll have to tune in to see which one!

Moldy Oldies: Porsche + BONUS

Drawn for an animation pitch circa 2003:

click above for larger view

This is the last character in the series, and here’s a group shot of all the characters together:

click above for larger view

I’m back to posting fresh blog sketches starting next Tuesday! Yes, it is a holiday miracle.

Moldy Oldies: Tow

Drawn for an animation pitch circa 2003:

click above for larger view

This design is my favorite out of the batch. I think I just managed to fit a little extra individuality into him. One more Moldy Oldie this Friday, and then it’s back to fresh blog sketches. Try to contain your excitement!

Moldy Oldies: Enzo

Woops… this post was actually prepared and ready to go, but I think I hit “save as draft” instead of “publish.” Culpa mea, again.

Drawn for an animation pitch circa 2003:

click above for larger view

I had a good long weekend… basically after I gorged on Thanksgiving dinner, I left my folks’ place, barricaded myself in my apartment, and did nothing but draw, watch Robotech (marathon style), and eat pumpkin pie. I’ve gotten a lot of blog pieces drawn, but I know I’ll slow down in the coloring phase. However, my plan to post Moldy Oldies, in order to get ahead behind the scenes, appears to be working.

Holy smokes–it’s December! When did that happen? @_@

Moldy Oldies: Mini

Um… wow, Friday is almost over, and I totally zoned on posting a blog. Culpa mea, dear reader. I blame pumpkin pie overdose.

Here’s another illustration drawn for an animation pitch circa 2003:

click above for larger view

Today’s drawing was the first in a series–this batch of drawings was a big turning point for me in terms of drawing, coloring, and generally being able to finish pieces. Okay, back to the pumpkin pie!